From a high-level perspective, we are asking you (or your IT folks) to include our JS files, as well as some course-specific identifiers (in the form of HTML links) on your Registered Courses Page Template (the TML that outputs the students' registered courses). The identifiers are data points (variables) already stored in your registration system -- we just need to get them out into the template where our JS Files can find them.
Once the JS is included, and the identifiers are present, we send a lookup-request to your Timber Website using the identifiers. The Website returns a list of required materials. Students will then have the option of selecting the materials they want to purchase (either singly or en masse).
1.) These included-files will need to be inserted into the template that outputs your course-registration info:
<script src=''></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="" />
• note: There are no SSL certificates installed on our development sites, so if you are testing with your development site before launch, http:// should be used in the links above. Once launched, you should always use https:// to connect to the site.
2.) In order to create the links (which retrieve the adoption information), we'll need your HTML template to output them in one of three formats. You can use any of the formats. The JavaScript files that you included in step #1, will act on the links, to create the lookup functionality.
Hopefully one of them will align with variables you already have available to your HTML template.
****Format 1: Specifying the Term/Dept/Course/Section
<a class="linkLocation" href="#" path="FALL 2014/ACCT/200/001">[Accounting 200, Section 01]</a>
****Format 2: Specifying the Section ID number (the database row of the section in Booklog's Sybase database)
<a class="linkLocation" href="#" sid="987654">[Accounting 200, Section 01]</a>
****Format 3: Specifying the Term & Section Name (the number eFollett typically uses)
<a class='linkLocation' href='#' term='TERM' section='SECTION'>LINK TEXT</a>
• note: for Option 3: the section name must be a unique number, not shared across multiple sections
Your Textbook Lookup page will also respond to URLs formatted like this (for users of the Student Planning module from Ellucian):[term]&dept=[department]&course=[course]§ion=[section]
The above items in [brackets] need to be subsituted with system variables to insert the correct information.
Information on HEOA 2010 Federal Law
Question 3: What are the essential requirements that campuses must satisfy?
"To the maximum extent practicable, each institution of higher education receiving Federal financial assistance shall—"Disclose, on the institution's internet course schedule and in a manner of the institution's choosing, the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) and retail price information of required and recommended college textbooks and supplemental materials for each course listed in the institution's course schedule used for preregistration and registration purposes"