Creating a page is easy in your Drupal site. From the administration menu, click “create content”. All of the content types you are able to create are listed here. For this example, we will choose “Page”.
A Create Page starter opens up.
First, you will want a title for your page.
This is required to move forward. The Title field will display as the title of the page you are creating and will print at the top of your finished page. If we were creating an “About Us” page, we would type “About Us” in the box.
Next, open the Menu Settings field set, by clicking on the Menu Settings link.
This is where you will define the menu position for your new page. If this page should NOT appear in a menu (ie. It is only linked to from another page) you do not need to fill in anything here. Skip to the next step.
If you do want this page to appear in a menu, fill out the fields in this fieldset. The Menu link title field will display the name of the link. In the example of an “about us” page, this would stay the same, and you can re-enter About Us in this field.
Note: The page title and the menu link title do not need to match. This allows you to set a separate page title that may not fit in a menu link. For instance, you may have a Home page set as “Home” in the menu link and set as “Welcome to our site” as the page title.
Under the Parent Item, set the next link up in the sitemap as the “parent” to the page you are creating. If this appears in your main menu at the top, select primary links. You may also have menus for secondary or special menu items custom to your site.
For most instances, ignore the weight here. It is easier to arrange the menu link positions by using the menu settings.
Under the Body field, you will enter your content. You can type directly into this box, called a WYSIWYG editor. (what you see is what you get, editor)
The tools here function very much like common word processor tools. You can edit text, add images, create links, insert tables and embed videos. You can also paste content into here from another editor, but please note, the text must be cleansed prior to pasting into your editor.
Once you are happy with the body and content, scroll down in the page to Meta Tags.
The next area that is required is URL path settings.
This gives the url a more user-friendly name. Start out by typing the top most parent item to the menu item you are creating. If your menu item appears as a sub-link in about us, start with “about-us/”. You will need to separate words with a hyphen ”-“ and levels with a forward slash “/”. Your final url path may look like this “about-us/meet-our-team”. When a visitor goes to this page, they will see this in their address bar:
Finally, click the save button. The page will save and then will redirect you to your finished page.