In Booklog

  1. Open the Mail Order pick list.
  2. Click the Refund icon on the toolbar (the two small yellow arrows).
  3. Enter the Booklog Mail Order number.
  4. Remove the Ship Quantity for any items you are not returning.
  5. Click Process.
  6. The Process Payment window will open.
  7. Plug-In Total to desired payment type.
  8. Click OK.
  9. If you are not using Verifone (PayWare or POINT), please note the difference to be refunded and complete the refund using your Payment Gateway's virtual terminal.

In Your (non-Verifone) Payment Gateway

  1. Login to your gateway's virtual terminal and navigate to the page where you can locate transactions by date
  2. Select the date when the transaction occurred, and look for your order number/customer name
  3. Key-in the amount to be refunded and choose the Refund option


(Thanks to Chad at Booklog for the detailed instructions.)