The fastest way to clear a hold is to go onto Payware and Void the Pre-Auth.

  • Then, back in the Booklog Mail Order, take the line-item and finalize it, replacing the “1” in Ordered, with zero, as you did before.
  • When it asks the nothing shipped do you want to finalize without payment questions, I’d say Yes, just like you did. This should close the order, but like you said, it wouldn’t clear the pre-auth, you’d just have to let it drop on its own, which it will, but perhaps not fast enough for students on the go! =)
  • Once it is closed in Booklog, Timber will get the message back from Booklog and it’ll close on our end too, so it really is cancelled and the credit card hold really would just drop in whatever time-frame is normal for their credit card and the processor but it is fine to try the void and see if it helps speed up the drop. It would be an extra step, but might be worth it if the waiting is very stressful for the students.
  • Once you know everything is taken care of, you can delete the order from the Bookog MO Pick List, on the Timber side, it’ll show “Booklog Deleted”.