Creating a digital (downloadable?) product, there is a two-step process:

  1. Add the file to the server
    1. Go to: Store administration >> Products >> Downloads
    2. Under “Action” select “Upload File”, and click “Perform Action”
    3. Choose a file from your hard drive, and click “upload file”
  2. Associate the file to a product
    1. Click a product’s Edit tab
    2. Click the “Features” sub-tab
    3. Under “Add a New Feature” choose “File Download” and click “Add”
      1. Choose the sku
      2. In the “file download” field, start typing the filename of the file you uploaded in the first step (it will autocomplete so that you select it)
      3. Give it a brief description and choose the item’s “shippable” status
      4. Click “Save Feature”