• Switch over to the Text Management side:
  • Open Faculty and Contacts:
  • In the lower-right, click New
  • Fill in the Basic info: name, email, etc...and click Save.
  • From here you will need to locate a Section to assign them to. This is done from Maintain Courses and Adoptions:
  • Choose a Term > Dept > Course > Section
  • Then start typing a few letters of the instructor's Last Name
  • When you hit "Enter" you can choose them from a list

Once you have created the new Faculty Records, they should be available in Timber Adopt within a few minutes.


To grant Store Manager permissions to a Faculty User:

  • On your Adopt site, you can go to the Faculty Users tab, and search for them:

  • On the right-side, click Edit User
  • ...and Finally, click the Store Manager checkbox to provide them with Administrative privileges