This topic has a few different moving-parts to it, and it is important to consider them all when setting your shipping prices.

  1. People hate to pay a lot for shipping. We don't suggest set shipping-rates artificially low so that you lose money. However, if you are able to use USPS (Media Mail?) and other lower-cost shipping options, we definitely encourage it!
  2. FedEx and UPS should, mostly, return rate quotes to your Timber website that match the estimates given when you login to their Website. First thing to note when rates on your Timber site are lower than what is being paid to FedEx or UPS is do those products in your customers orders have shipping weights and dimensions? You can find out by clicking an item's Timber Tab, and looking for:

    If this ^^ information is not accurate, then FedEx and UPS will not return accurate quotes.
  3. If you find that the rates on products are too low -- we can bump them up by a percent or a flat-amount. If you need us to do this then please feel free to reach out to us.